What Type Of Gas Line For Pool Heaters Is Suitable For Your Home And Why?

If you want to add a gas pool heater to your pool, there are a few things to consider first. And, depending on various circumstances and the climate you are under, it is important to know what type of gas line for pool heater you got to use.

However, the certified technicians will install the gas line of the heater of your pool for you. You ought to monitor the process nonetheless and should also know your way around home appliances. So, now we shall introduce you to various aspects of a swimming pool’s heater gas line in this guide.

What Type Of Gas Line For Pool Heater

gas line for pool heaters

There are many three basic types of heaters available on the market, each with a different power source to heat our swimming pool water efficiently. They are:

  • Gas Line Heater
  • Heater Pump
  • And, Solar Heater

Among them, a pool heater run by gas is the most traditional heater with a consistent as well as dynamic heating procedure. No matter the weather condition, they also manage to warm up your pool water adeptly. A gas heater raises the water temperature quickly too. There are other perks and shortcomings of this machine, we’ll get back to that later.

Right now, let’s elucidate what options we have when it comes to choosing gas line types. Firstly, based on the heating source, there are two different sorts.

  • Natural Gas Heater Line
  • Liquid Propane Gas Tank line

Then there is also another variety of gas line which is relatively eco-friendly.

  • Low NOx Gas Heater

Now, let’s entertain a general idea of them:

Natural Gas Channel

Natural gas suppliers of your locality can install gas conveyor steel pipes into your house if you don’t have them already. You have to run another line from the meter to your heater box. Moreover, The required pipe length for the natural gas line can be more. So, you should not use a flexible gas line for pool heaters.

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A natural gas line can be both over the ground gas line or underground gas line for pool. It generally depends on what kind of pool you have. For an underground pool, an underground gas line is the best choice. There are, however some code protocols you might have to comply with for installing an underground gas line.

Propane Tank Heater

In case there is no natural gas supply line in your vicinity, and the weather or mood requires you to utilize a gas line, either way, then propane tank heaters are the best alternative for you. A propane tank line convoys above ground gas line for pool heater. So, maintenance of this type of pipeline is easier to do.

However, there are a few downsides of this type of line too. The size of the propane tank itself is quite an obstacle. Because it occupies a huge portion of your poolside, you can also consider other options if you have a pretty tight pool space.

Plus, it can also dull the fashion of the pull. So, maybe camouflage the tank?

Low NOx Gas Heater

Both natural and propane-fed pool heaters can have the feature of Low Nox Gas emission.  Moreover, they make low emissions. This basically means the energy loss of this type of heater is little, resulting in more heat production in less time.

You also need to know that Low NOx gas heaters are the only type of heater you can utilize in some states. So, better check with the gas inspection authority or go through the residential codes of your state or province to verify it. Anyway, installing a low NOx Gas heater won’t hurt much because there is little difference in expenditure among heaters with it and without this feature.

Pool Heater Gas Line Requirements

Before you install your pool heater, or even after it, there are many things you need to be aware of, or you should at least have some basic know-how. So, we will demonstrate some necessary monitoring and maintenance guidelines. Some of them are crucial to know, while some, you will be better off knowing. So, let’s begin with gas line aspects to monitor before installation:

  • The most common gas supply line for your pool heater is an underground system. But, the local regulations will require you to place the gas line 12” to 18” under the soil surface.
  • Consider attaching a shut-off valve at the start of the line. Also, some heaters having hydraulic bypass valves lays out more reliability to your pool gas line.
  • Moreover, you have to fill the surrounding (top, bottom, and sides) with sand for an underground gas line. The lesser the underground joints, the tighter will be your gas line. Or the maintenance will simply be of less effort.
  • You can obtain the sizing chart of the pipe to figure out what breadth you need. Moreover, various appliances attached to the pool heater have to have their specific size connection. Otherwise, they won’t function adequately. The assigned plumber can work it out, but you can verify them too. So, why not?
  • The best practice of aligning a gas grid is doing it clockwise spiral way. This will make your gas line compact. And, as the gas lines are made of threaded steel, this method of alignment will form a secure bond for all the joints.
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Now let’s move on to what you should oversee immediately after installation.

  • Gas leakage. Yes, the first thing you need to be concerned about is gas leakage through the newly established connection. To do so, shut off valves for all appliances and attach a Manometer to the connection. Now pressurize the connection and lock it. The meter won’t deflect unless there is a leak in the system. So, monitor it for an extended time to verify a snug connection.
  • As gas heaters can heat water pretty fast, unlike the pool pump, you don’t need to employ it unless you get in the pool.

A Helpful Tutorial You May Need!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What size gas line you need for a pool heater?

The gas line size depends on the breadth of the gas supply duct and the distance of meter from the pool heater. Contact the local utility supplier and consult your technician to calculate which line suits your system and heater. You’ll find some handy directions about gas lines in our guide.

Is a gas pool heater expensive?

It’s a bit expensive. However, the utility and electricity costs to run a pull heater range from $300 to $500 per month. So, the monthly electricity and gas costs are higher than the utility cost for pump heaters.

Final Thoughts

So, what’s your thought about this? What type of gas line for pool heaters suits your system most? We hope we’ve helped you figure it out. And with it, we want to conclude our guide here. Thanks for being with us. Stay fit. Goodbye until we meet with another guide!

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