What Should You Consider While Running Water Line Long Distance?

Determining and installing the water supply line is one of the vital concerns for any new establishment. Moreover, if the water source is far away from your home, running water line long distance is the only option for you. As a result, deciding the size for such a long line can be frustrating.

However, to relieve you from the burden of doing it alone, we join your league to help you find out proper pipe ID for your water supply with this guide. How so? We will sort out the factors that impact the flow and volume of your water supply. So, let’s get going.

Running Water Line Long Distance

Long Distance Water Line

Whenever we need to pull our water line from a distant source, we must take the flow rate loss it will cause into account. And for a long line, numerous factors impact the flow rate and water pressure. So, first of all, let’s recap them in the list below. Then in later sections of this guide, we will discuss how they impact and if there is any way to mitigate the effects.

  • Firstly, the length of the pipe
  • Units of water fixtures in your house
  • Size of the pipe
  • Size of the meter
  • Miscellaneous factors.

All these factors affect the flow of your house. Plus, some of them are interdependent too. So, go through each before you fix a particular pipe size. Let’s begin,

The Length Of The Pipe

The minimum code requirement for the pipe size you can install for your water distribution pipe is ¾ inches. While deciding on the pipe length, you need to take the number of fixtures in your home and the meter size at the distribution channel into account.

We will discuss them elaborately in later sections. Just don’t jump to conclusions depending on the length only.

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There is a minimum size requirement by local codes. But, that chart won’t give you the recommended size. Considering that the water pressure at the meter is adequate, you should run a water line of 500 ft with 1-inch pipe, 1000 feet with 1¼ or 1½ inch, 2000 feet with 2 inch, and 3000 feet with 2 ½ or 3-inch pipe.

And onwards with each extension of 1000 feet, it.is safe to increase the pipe size to a half-inch too.

However, if there is a risk of running the line with low pressure, appendage a backflow preventer valve to avoid back feeding.

Units Of Water Fixtures In Your House

The size of your pipe affects the water volume each fixture at your house will get. If you have many water outlets in your residence and sometimes give poor flow, increase your pipe size.

And if the water line is for more than one family in the same dwelling, the fixtures will be undoubtedly more, and so will be the need for steady water flow. So, plan the size accordingly.

The units of fixtures or WSFU affects the water flow and distribution around your house. To properly size your pipe according to WSFU, you need to add the units of all your fixtures. Then compare this summation with the distance you need to run your water line and then decide the pipe size.

For example, a 1000 meter long line of 1½ inch pipe with above 60 psi (from 1” to a 2-inch meter) can support up to 40 WSFU.

Size Of The Pipe

The size of the pipe is the material thing to consider when it comes to installing a new water supply line. The more the size is, the more the flow will be.

However, a larger pipe than the necessary dimension can obstacle the water pressure. That can also cause backflow to the source tank.

So, size it appropriately for sufficient pressure and volume of water at your fixtures.

Size And Pressure At The Meter

The pressure and size of the outlet at the meter also considerably impact the supply rate and volume of water at the distribution line.

If the pressure (in psi) is good at the meter, opting for a larger pipe size than that of the meter won’t harm the passage of water.

So, calculate the overall loss of water pressure according to your pipe length and house fixtures.

Suppose the pressure loss is too high due to a narrow meter outlet. In that case, you can consult your local authority or utility supplier to change the meter for cover a far cry.

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Miscellaneous Factors

The inner friction of the distribution pipe also affects the flow rate and depends on the pipe material.

So, for choosing material type, primarily focus on the rigidity of your pipe material, and opt for better smoothness if there is enough room for stretch.

Then again, the sloping of your water supply pipe modifies the flow rate. A downhill slope can give you additional suction, whereas an uphill can disturb the flow rate. In which case, installing a pump in the uphill distribution channel will deliver you a credible outcome.

However, the main water reservoir level to your home fixtures is crucial for a steady flow of water at your residence. If the level difference is too low, you won’t get apt water passage from the faucets and showers.

You can install a pump in the supply line to get enough suction. However, you must install it per the supply outlet size of the central water source and the meter to prevent sucking the passage dry.

For running a new water line from meter to house, you can also consider installing “slip fix” fittings in between to permit thermal expansions and contractions without damaging the line. Also, try to keep the line with minimum bends.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What size water line do you run from meter to house?

To determine the size of the water line to run from your meter to your house, measure and compare the entire run of the pipe, WSFU of your residence, size, and pressure at the meter, level of your house fixtures, uphill/downhill runs, etc. To know how they affect the pipe size, go through our guide.

How much does it cost to run a water line per foot?

There is a variation among the costs of different types of pipe and the servicing cost for replacing your water line. However, the cost of running a water line per foot subsists between $50 to $130, depending on them.

Does reducing pipe size increase water pressure?

If the pressure at the meter is adequate, you can increase water pressure by reducing your water pressure. However, you will have to sacrifice the volume (GPM) you previously had if you install a narrower pipe. Moreover, size the line to top the minimum distance and pressure resistance requirements.

How deep is the main water line?

The depth of the main water line depends on the local climate, codes, and plumbing practices. And, the main water line should stay at least twelve inches under the maximum frost level in frost-prone areas. You should also assess the traffic load that may fall on the line to install it correspondingly.

Final Words

Every homeowner desires a steady water supply in their home. But, getting it is not very easy, especially if you need running water line long distances or in a remote area.

To help you in this regard, we put together this guide to introduce the determining aspects of a long distant water line.

With a hope that our little effort to put up this guide will not go in vain and help you in the future, we conclude here. See you with more content in the future. Until then, stay safe and healthy. Adios!

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