The Much Awaited 1 1 4 Vs 2 Well Point Debate– Our Thoughts

So, are you asking to know the best one out of 1 1 4 vs 2 well point options? Or perhaps you want to attach a new well pump to your house, and so need to learn the well point?

Whatever your reason is to know that, the answer to it would be based on the diameter and depth of the waterline. Both of them are good for getting better gallons per minute. A lot of people can’t find the right answer as there is no good source of information on this topic.

So, we have spent a good amount of time presenting an informative and detailed guide so that you get to know which one would be better for your driving well. Before you again ask “should I choose a 2” or 1-1/4” well point”, let’s get straight to the subject. Are You Ready!

Explaining The 1 1 4 Vs 2 Well Point Through a Detailed Debate

  Among these well points, most agree that the 1-1/4” point would be a perfect choice if drilling through 20-25 feet deep. On the other side, the 2” point is best for a higher flow rate by jetting 25 feet or more deep water.

Identifying these 2 competitor’s differential features will help to give you an interior idea to pick one and know which would be the best well point to go with.

According to the Department of Health,

A well point (or “driven point”) is a special type of well installed using a drive point with a built-in screen fastened to the end of a small diameter pipe (usually 1-1/4 to 2 inches) and without a protective outer casing. Well points are installed by pounding, driving or excavating down to the water table. These wells are usually constructed in shallow aquifers with sandy soils, within 10 to 30 feet of the ground surface and use a suction pump to draw water. Single pipe driven point wells under suction are not in compliance with Appendix 5-B and should be avoided.

Basically, we find 2 logic behind the overall difference that makes things clear with the individuality of them and these are:

  • For water depth that is around 25 feet or less, then use the 1 1/4 well point with pipe and jet pump.
  • For 25” or more water depth using the 2 inch well point is a good choice.  
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Based on most users who used both of them, they suggest using the 1-1/4” well point as it ensures 2 to 3 GPM per linear foot on ideal water conditions. It’s true using the 1.25 inches one gives an average water flow rate, unlike its competitor. 

Then again, the 2” well point is great for a higher water rate to get a pure water supply. And it allows 3 gallons per minute to flow through the screen and casing. Even though this may cause hassle in future use, so we find the 1-1/4” better for normal use.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What kind of pipe do you use for a sand point well?

Most of the time, the steel pipe needs to use on the sand point well. The size of it should be small or mid-sized not more than 1-1/4 inches to 2 inches using the threaded gaskets. As the pipe needs to be stronger and waterproof, so steel is the most suitable option.

How deep is the water line from well to house?

It needed to be at least 20-30 feet under the ground to the well that ensure good water supply lines. In rural areas, the line needs to be deeper to ensure clear water. Under private houses, the water line might be found under 10 to 50 feet depth. To get a clearer water supply, it would be better if the well to the house gets from the deeper even if go past the 50 feet mark.

How much does it cost to drill a 30-foot well pump?

It would require not more than 10,000 to 20,000 dollars in total based on what type of pipe you are using. If you are going to use the PVC casting pipes under the ground by drilling, then the price would be affordable. In the same way, the steel casted pipe will need a higher cost to drill 30 feet well pump under the ground.

What is a well point used for?

The wellpoint is literally the ending part of sand which ensures you get the clearest water through drilling. Most of the time people use the well point while installing the pump, shallow foundations, utility, and so on to ensure a clean water supply. It let you have low groundwater that is good for kitchen or household purposes.

Wrap Up

Feeling confident to pick one after reading this 1 1 4 vs 2 well point debate? Hope so! As it is an important matter especially when you are trying to withdraw water from the ground by drilling, you should know about the right one among these 2 competitors.

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Most experts suggest using a well point that is sized 2” or 1-1/4” to ensure a good water supply line. And, both of them are excellent in different water depths to ensure better flow rate and support to extract water without contacting the waste or sanitary line.

Keep in mind if the water (under the ground) is deeper, then it would be better to choose a 2” well point. Otherwise, we suggest using the 1-1/4” one as it is the standard size a well point needs to drill.

Hope this guide didn’t disappoint you to give proper reasons and ideas to choose between these 2 options. Wish You Make The Choice Sooner. Till Then, Goos Bye!

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