Poly Alloy Vs Brass Pex Fittings- Which One is for You?

Before reading this comparison, we bet you’re guessing that Brass PEX fittings are better than Poly Alloy. The significant differences between poly alloy in pex fittings and brass pex fittings are that Poly Alloy is effective & affordable but has minor fitting than Brass.

Here is the complete battle with the winner to make it more transparent and understand the poly alloy vs brass pex fittings differences. Our experts have created a well-researched comparison chart and breakdown analyzing multiple factors below.

Poly alloy Vs Brass Pex Fittings- Comparison at a Glance

ConcernPoly Alloy PEX FittingBrass PEX Fitting
Maximum Strength32 MPa53 MPa
Water Flow33%37%
Temperature tolerance265°C121°C
LeakageLeakage proofLeakage prone
Ph levelph>7ph<7

Let’s have a side-by-side comparison of different factors.

The difference in Fittings Type

When poly pex fittings are done right, it provides a fantastic connection. We used a metal adapter as a base setting and tested both Poly Alloy and Brass. Polly Alloy fitting is straightforward to set and doesn’t require extra tools. It fits red, blue & white PEX fitting, but for the red one, the fitting of Poly is too small.

Unfortunately, crimp pex fittings only work with Brass as it is more durable than poly alloy due to ASTM F2159 standards. Poly Alloy can create considerable risk to crimp fittings as brass pex fittings can take more water load.

In the case of Compression fittings, we found poly alloy to be handy as it is anti-leakage and adequate handling water pressure. Both Brass and Polly alloy are suitable for multiple connection points and anticipated disassembly.

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Contrarily, Brass pex fitting is more common than poly alloy when it comes to push-to-connect fit. This type of fittings is famous for heavy and secure seals. Poly alloy fittings are practical, but it’s material properties are not strong enough for push-fit settings. But it is renowned worldwide for expansion fitting as tubing. Extra sleeves are temporally expanded, and not much pressure is necessary.

Strength & Performance Contrast

The combination of best plastic PEX fittings provides a better option for water protection and in building water flow. Plastic and alloy or poly Alloy fittings have 19.1 to 32 MPa. It is redesignable and reusable. Also, it can resist hot weather and even coldest, so it has performed very well to supply water all over.

But Brass is superior to Poly Alloy in terms of handling water shockwaves. When there’s a shockwave in any plumbing system, automatically, a valve closes. It results in water overflow rushing in one direction, which trunks heavy pressure in pipes and fittings. Again, Brass is more robust than poly alloy and does a better job handling this pressure.

Water Flow Status

Fittings tend to seal water from outside contact, and so the inside pressure and air pressure can change or slow water flow. Poly Alloy has a smaller inside diameter space than PEX brass fittings.

Every turn and a ninety-degree fitting stops water flow and somewhat slows water flow. It means the smaller the diameter, the slower the water flow.

In case a house has complete poly alloy fitting, the water level can slow down. In comparison to that, Brass does a better job. It does not affect the regular water flow and protects the plumbing installation better.

Between poly pex fittings vs Brass, brass fitting does better water flow handling.

Durability & Corrosion Resistance

There are many differences between poly pex fittings vs Brass. And in the case of durability, it gets complicated.

No matter how good a fitting is, the weather, maintenance, and water flow decide its durability. Besides that, brass fitting tends to go for the most extended period. The material by nature is sturdy and is a reliable option to take water and air pressure.

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One of the prominent features of Brass is that it is durable even in ph<7, meaning alkaline water. On the contrary, poly alloy fittings do great for acidic water.

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Most poly alloy fitting does not crush pipes and is leakage proof to some extent. Just like Brass, poly Alloy is durable for specific fittings. Unfortunately, if water quality is poor, it severely affects brass fittings.

Brass is more popular than ever for its durability, so manufacturers now provide stainless steel coating for resuscitating corrosion.

Raw brass fitting develops a layer of oxidation due to poor quality water. The poly alloy does not affect water quality and is not prone to decline due to its material nature.

Comparing the Leakage Issues

Did you know that in Las Vegas, poly alloy pex fittings are more common than Brass? That’s because the hot weather creates a high probability of a brass fitting leak.

Brass can take up from -54°C to 121°C temperature and leaks if went down or above this. On the contrary, Polly Alloy can take up to 245°C – 265°C to leak.

Brass pex fitting can not hold excessive temperature on its own and needs an extra layer of stainless steel tape. Sometimes the leakage takes a severe turn and takes time to fix. Poly Alloy fitting is famous for its leakage-proof feature. It can go up for more than ten years.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

What is Poly Alloy PEX?

In a nutshell, it is a flexible plumbing tube made out of Poly Phenyl Sulfone or a kind of plastic. Poly Alloy PEX fitting is robust, stable, and chemical resistant.

What is The Preferred Fitting Material for PEX Pipes?

PEX pipes come in Poly Alloy, Stainless Steel, Brass, and mixed materials. The stainless steel fitting is popular nowadays, but the preferred material depends on plumbing type and water condition.

Can You Use Brass Compression Fittings on PEX?

Poly Alloy is recommended for compression fittings as it is more flexible and reusable than Brass fitting.

Which One Is The Winner?

A common misconception in the plumbing market is that Brass is better than plastic. Between poly alloy vs brass pex fittings, there is no fixed winner.

In the case of water flow, Brass takes the lead, and in the case of corrosion resistance, Poly Alloy leads. But as you read, you can figure out that both materials have their specialties and characteristics that go with different situations.

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