Know All the Pros And Cons Of Well Water

If you have always lived in the city, and have used city water, then well water may seem strange to you. But collecting drinking water from a well is not that much of a strange task.

Many people prefer well water because of the benefits it offers. Take an in-depth look into the pros and cons of well water, and you will realize why.

Well water comes from an aquifer underground, making it rich in essential minerals and nutrients. In terms of freshness, well water stays ahead of the municipal water supply. Curious to learn more about well water? Then keep on reading.

A Researched Analysis of Well Water Pros And Cons

Well Water Pros And Cons

Well, water comes with its own set of pros and cons. If you plan to buy a new home with a well, you must take a look at these once. Only then you will be able to understand whether you should go for a well or not.

Well Water Benefits

Let’s start with all the pros, which make it preferable to many.

Get Safe & Pure Water  Like People Used to Find Before

When the water supply in your home is connected to a well, the water is always coming from an underground aquifer. It means the water is much cleaner and safer than the city water. It is not run-off or surface water.

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Groundwater is rich in nutrients and minerals. These components are good for the human body. Well water is also fresher, and healthier than regular tap water due to its source.

You Don’t Need to Bear the Headache of Monthly Water Bill

If you get your water supply from a private well, then you will no longer have to pay monthly water bills. Private wells are usually connected to the municipal sewer system.

Some use a septic system as well. Despite using the city’s sewer system, you will not have to pay any bills for that.

Installing a private well costs a good sum of money at the beginning. However, it is a one-time investment. You can compare the monthly water bills with this single expenditure. You will surely realize how much money a well can save you.

No Worries of Being Water Unheigenic During Natural Disasters

According to New York Times Report,

“Earlier this summer, more than 25,000 people lost their water, some for weeks, after deadly floods ripped through eastern Kentucky, breaking water lines as they obliterated entire neighborhoods.”

Do you face quite a lot of natural disasters where you live? Then you probably know that during disasters like floods, tap water gets filthy. Wells are safe from this kind of contamination.

Don’t forget to use a well cover to prevent external contamination like dirt, rainwater, etc.

No Doubt about the Taste and Quality

The taste and the quality of well water indeed depend a lot on where you live. However, in most cases, the taste and quality are much better than city water.

Because, the source of well water is deep underground, the water is always fresher and cleaner.

It does not go through a bunch of chemical processing before coming to your home. So, you cannot taste or find any off-putting smell. Well water generally tastes much sweeter than regular tap water.

The Disadvantages of Well Water

Now jump on to the cons of well water which might make your jaw down but they are a few to consider.

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The biggest Con Is It’s Totally Your Responsibility

One of the main disadvantages of private wells is that, if it runs out, it is your responsibility. Private wells are built within your property. So if it dries, then the city will not take any responsibility.

The same goes for well repairs and maintenance too. Owning a private well is quite similar to owning a swimming pool in terms of maintenance responsibility.

Well, repairing can cost quite a lot of money. In addition, the city will not test the quality of the water for you. As an owner, you will have to regulate and test the quality of the water to ensure safe drinking water.

Oh! Water Pollution Is Kinda an Easy Term Here

Despite providing safety against natural disasters, well water can become easily contaminated. Different types of chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, rainwater, dead animals, etc., can contaminate well water.

One of the most common causes of well water contamination is nutrient pollution. According to EPA, 15,000 water bodies get contaminated by nutrient pollution.

However, with regular testing, you can keep the well water in check.

Makes You Dependent on Electricity Which Might Turn Into Frustration

You need to pump the water from underground to the well. The water pumping system runs on electricity. Your pump will not operate if the power goes out. That can seem to be a bigger crap sometimes.

Without a pump, there is no water. You will need to make sure you have a backup electrical source like a generator, or else be ready to go without water.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is well water better or worse?

In comparison to city water, well water is always fresher. It also contains more minerals and is higher in nutrients than the municipal water supply. Well, water is also cleaner than regular tap water, since it comes from the ground, and is not surface water.

Is well water hard to maintain?

Well water requires maintenance, but it is not hard to maintain at all. Just keep toxic chemicals, pesticides, and herbicides away from your water source. Always keep a casing or a cover on top of the well to prevent contamination.


There you have it! These are all the pros and cons of well water. At the end of the day, everybody needs clean drinking water whether it comes from a well or a tap.

If you are planning to install a well, do not forget to compare your options. If you are concerned about the quality and quantity of the water, seek professional guidance!

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