How To Vent A Basement Sink- The Easy Alternatives

Without having an idea about basic plumbing can lead to a challenging life sometimes. You have to know everything about plumbing. So, many of you asked how to vent a basement sink? It needs some tactics to follow with a bit of knowledge of the parts.

In this article, you can find the easy steps for venting a basement sink.

How To Vent A Basement Sink

A vent is required if it has a trap and is connected to the main drain at any point. If not, the tap water might be sucked out while using other fixtures. It will enter the sewer gases to the entrance.

Check out the points below to fix the water issue by venting a sink in basement.

  • Disconnect the old faucet and get the plumbing out of the way. Also, take out the faucet right away.
  • Now, get a new faucet.
  • Now, check how many holes your faucet includes. You need to match with your old hole existing in the countertop.
  • Grab some putty, and let’s just make a seal on the bottom of the faucet plate. You will see the putty has connected the plate. Now, you will make an underneath connection. You will need to tighten the faucet down. There is a present yoke right here, it’s going to go on to this long bolt right there.
  • After that, there is a nut on the faucet handle. You need to take this nut and tighten it up until you pull this so tight that we squeeze out the putty right here.
  • Now, insert the faucet and make it tight under sink vent.
  • Fix the pipe with a screw and tighten it. So your faucet is fixed in a good way.
  • Now it’s time to think of the drain line. In your old drain, water came down through two traps. The loop always looks for air, and it couldn’t get due to sink venting. We will correct it by cutting in a key on the right pump of the drain. After cutting it, the drain will come in a single trap, and the water will go down easily.
  • There is a  mechanical vent that allows air to come. In this way, water going by air will be able to be drawn in to break the vacuum, but it will never let sewer gas go out.
  • Alright, now we are gonna glue all the drain pump and mechanical vent together.
  • Apply plumbers putty to the top of the drain connections and tighten it up. Clean the PVC and glue the PVC pipe.
  • Now, test by filling water on the sink. Now remove the stopper, and you will see no cyclone occur and no big gurgle.
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Why Do We Need to Vent Basement Sink?

If you notice there is no sink vent in your basement, then you need to correct it. Otherwise, it can create a fuss. When you fill up the basin with water and after pulling the stopper, the slug of water goes down and is now behind us looking for air, and the plumbing vent only breaks the vacuum.

Now, be practical on what happens without venting a sink. You will notice it’s getting thirsty for air. A little tornado cycle creates. And for an unvented sink, it sounds not good. You can fix it by sink venting. And I have shown the process in the above details.

So, that’s why we need to vent a basement sink.

How To Vent A Toilet Sink And Shower Basement

The best way to vent a sink and shower is to use the wet vent, which is the method explained in the previous sections. The drained sink is connected to the toilet water line using a reducing tee in the wet vent.

The sanitary tee should face the flow of water, and the outlet of the tee should point up. The T-outlet should be perpendicular to the exhaust pipe for best results.

However, there are toilet venting options without a vent. If your house does not have a drain hose or if it is broken and cannot be repaired, you can still make the toilet work properly.

Necessary structures are found in normal plumbing vents. Using air inlet valves to ventilate toilets is a bit controversial, and you need to make sure it’s legal in your area before using one.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I wet vent a basement sink?

Yes, you can. The common drain/vent area between these two fixtures should be 2 inches in diameter, and the vent that heads upward, known as the vertical leg, should be at least 2 inches in diameter. The wet vent in this plumbing system will connect to a vertical drain leg beneath the toilet.

Do I have to vent a basement sink?

A sink, for example, cannot function effectively without a sink vent. A vent is necessary for a sink because the pressure exerted on the drainpipe when water flows through the drainpipe must be equalized. For the sink to drain, air must come out of the drain hose.

What happens if the plumbing is not vented?

The low pressure inside the tube can cause water to escape from the traps, allowing exhaust gases to enter if the exhaust lines are not properly ventilated. Air pressure imbalances in the waste pipe can obstruct water flow and produce slow drainage, often mimicking a partial obstruction.


So how to vent a basement sink– okay, we have shown you the easy process of venting a sink. The exact process you can apply to toilet venting.

A vent is an essential feature of the drainage system of any plumbing system. Without ventilation, the negative pressure created by the drain water could potentially draw water from the siphon, allowing exhaust gases to enter the residence.

The vents allow air to enter the exhaust pipes, which facilitates the smooth flow of the exhaust. So, you can guess what role it plays here!

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