Moentrol Shower Valve Troubleshooting: Step by Step guide

Shower valve issues can interrupt your hot and cold shower experience. It can happen any time and occurs for many reasons with different brand shower valves. So, you may need a way for your Moen Shower Valve Troubleshooting.

It may be just a matter of cartridge damage most of the time. Well, you may think it is going to cost you a high amount to hire a plumber. But in actuality, you can do it on your own with some handy tools.

What you need to follow is the guide we are presenting here. So, without further ado, let’s get into the details.

Moentrol Shower Valve Troubleshooting

Moentrol Shower Valve Troubleshooting is relatively easy with some guidance.. Here we are presenting you the details on a silver platter.

Things and Tools Needed

There are some essential tools and items you need to work on by yourself on the Moen Shower Valve. Most of the tools are your regular plumbing tools which are always there in everybody’s house. Make this preparation before you start to work. The needed tools are-

  • OEM Posi Temp Cartridge
  • OEM Handle
  • Posi Temp Puller
  • Essential Allen Wrenches
  • Collar
  • Button for the handle
  • Screw Driver
  • Small cleaning brush stick
  • A torch/flashlight

You can use hand gloves and a water-resistant coat to work clean and dry for your preparation to work. Otherwise, the watery situation may disturb you from working with total concentration.

What could be the Moen Shower Valve issues and how to troubleshoot

The Moen Showervalve could show different problems. To understand clearly, you need to inspect thoroughly. Follow the below guide to troubleshooting your Moen Showervalve problems. 

Hot/Cold Water not coming appropriately

It may happen for several reasons. Your shower valve handle might be damaged, or the Cartridge may be damaged.

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Step 1: To check, first of all, turn off the water and drain it down. It may take the lever in the on position. Now, take off the screw with the help of a screwdriver. And take the lever to the off position. Separate the handle, and you will see the handle adapter at this point. If everything seems ok, go to the next step.

Step 2: Loosen the bolts of the handle adapter and take it off along with the limiter as it is. Because you have to put it back on in the same position when you are done changing the cartridge, you must do it right. After this, pull off the collar as well.

Step 3: This step is the central part. In this step, you will be removing the cartridge. To take off the cartridge, firstly, pull off the clip. If the clip seems rigid, you can use a screwdriver and pull it off. Then keep the clip aside safely so that it doesn’t get lost.

Step 4: The next step calls for pulling the cartridge. Now, there is something important to note. Before you take off the cartridge, observe how it is located. You will see an “H” and a “C” written on the cartridge. Here “H” stands for Hot, and “C’ stands for Cold.

You have to put the cartridge back again the same way. If the “H” and “C” are on the upside, put on the cartridge locating the “H” and “C” upside. If it encounters a downside, put on the cartridge locating the “H” and “C” downside.

Now take a plier and try to pull the cartridge. If it does not come out, you can try again removing it with the plier using the goody in the new cartridge set. If it does not come out, you can use a puller.

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Use a Posi Temp Puller to pull the cartridge. Set the puller against the cartridge and tighten up the screw. When you are done tightening it, try to rotate the puller. At this point, you will notice the puller is turning and has broken the cartridge seal. This is the time to pull. Now pull out the cartridge with a bit of force with the help of the puller.

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Shake the cartridge and hear some sound. If you hear a nimble sound, then the Cartridge is good. If you don’t hear a sound, then understand the Cartridge is damaged and requires replacement.

Debris can also jam the valve hole

After you have removed the old cartridge successfully, watch for any debris in the hole. At this point, water will come out naturally through the hole. Use a flashlight or a torchlight to see through the hole.

Suppose you find any debris or dirt; clean that up using a steel brush stick. Make sure no stick or twicks is coming from the pipeline. When you are done cleaning, you are ready to set on the new cartridge.

New Cartridge replacement

Steps to the shower valve cartridge replacement are-

Step 1: Take the new cartridge and push the body into the hole. Be careful; push the body, not the stamp. Insert the clip back into the place. And put the collar in. Now, turn on the water to see if it’s working correctly or not.

If you have put the “H” and “C” on the top, the cold water will come out first. Then the warm water will come out and then it will turn hot. And when you turn the handle clockwise, the shower system turns off. So, check if the water is coming out like that or not.

Step 2: If the water flow and temperature seem ok to you, the limiter and handle adapter is back on. What if you want the hot water to flow first? To set that, you just need to take off the limiter and twist the stamp from the off position to 180 degrees, and it’s done.

Step 3: Put back on the limiter and screw in the handle adapter. Attach the faucet handle with screws using Allen wrenches. And you will get a nice and tight new cartridge set up in your shower system.

A Helpful Tutorial You May Need!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to know my Moen cartridge is bad?

If you can see blocking in water flow or loss in temperature adjustment, it may be because the cartridge needs some fixing. So, you will find out the problem in that way.

How do I know if my shower mixer valve is bad?

If you see some leakage from the shower valve when it is turned off, you can see that your shower mixer valve has gone bad. Again, you can have the water adjustment problems or water flow issues if the system is terrible.

Word to Conclude

We are already at the end of the step-by-step guide of Moen shower valve troubleshooting. I hope you will be able to do the fixing on your own now and save up some money.

Again, besides this cartridge problem, the shower can show up problems for another reason. So, if you are not sure to find out the problem, seek professional help. Otherwise, the problem can get worse.

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