3 4 or 1 Inch Water Supply Line? Which One is Best for Your House?

The main difference between 3 4 vs 1 inch water supply lines is handling water pressure. The more the diameter size of the pipe, the more significant pressure it can take. But the question is, does your water supply line need to handle that much pressure?

Today you will learn with us about 3/4 and 1 inch water supply line, their differences, dimensions, water line benefits, pipe preferences, etc. And in the end, you will find which one will be best for your resident. Let’s go through the article.

3 4 Or 1 Inch Water Supply Line

Factors¾ Inch Water Supply Line1 Inch Water Supply Line
Ease of UseRequiring no special orderingSometimes requires special ordering
Ease of InstallationRequire fewer fittings and fewer pipeRequire more pipe and fittings
Water PressureThe ¾ flexible water supply line is enough for a small residentAppropriately sized to accommodate the water needs of your home
Use as a Water MainNot possible for big residents.Can be used
AvailabilityReadily available at most retail locations  Also available at most retail stores  
3 4 Or 1 Inch Water Supply Line Comparison Table

Dimension Differences

A 1-inch water supply line can provide 37 gallons per minute (GPM) at 80 psi, while the 3/4-inch water line provides 28 GPM at 80 psi pressure. This means that when given the same water pressure, in theory, you’d be able to use a larger diameter hose without sacrificing flow rate.

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As the diameter of the ¾-inch water supply is comparatively less than the 1-inch supply line, it is easier to adjust the faucet and does not require any additional fittings for this. On the other hand, a 1-inch water supply needs different fittings for its diameter dimension.

Water Line Benefits

A standard water supply line is generally a half-inch in diameter. But to increase water flow through faucets, showers, and laundry machines, a 3/4 inch or 1-inch water supply line can be used for your residence. 

The larger the size of a pipe, the more rapidly it can get rid of excess heat from hot water running through it. This means that you get hot water faster when using a 34 or 1inch line instead of a half-inch line.

Differences in Water Pressure

However, suppose your house’s water line older plumbing was made to accommodate a 1/2″ dimension. In that case, a reduced size may lead to air bubbles in the system and an impaired circulation leading to low-pressure problems which cannot be resolved by just changing dimensions.

A dimension alteration may also cause the pipe to burst, leading to colossal water damage and an increased risk of contracting serious diseases.

Some homeowners mistakenly believe that by replacing their home or toilet supply line sizes, they will reduce homes’ energy costs. However, size does not affect how much hot water your home heater produces, so diameter size will not have any effect on your energy bills.

Ease of Use and Installation

If you are looking for a new water supply line installation, there are some things that you will need to consider. There are 3/4-inch water supply lines readily available at most retail locations, requiring no particular ordering. And for fitting purposes, fewer fittings and a smaller number of pipes require.

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But for a 1-inch water supply line, you will require additional fittings and pipes, which are not readily available in all local retail stores. But upon ordering, you can quickly get it from any local retailer shop.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What size should a water supply line be?

If you live in a small resident and under a budget constraint, you should go with a ¾-inch water supply line. If you have a prominent resident, then whatever the budget is, you should pick a 1 inch water supply line.

Is 3/4 water line big enough?

For a small resident, the average water pressure required is 20 psi. And a ¾-inch water line supply is more than enough for this. You can easily do your basic amenities like dishwashing or cloth washing anytime.

How far can you run a 1 inch water line?

An inch of water is 6.25 gallons per foot. It can easily run about 50 feet of a 1 water line.

Does changing pipe size affect water pressure?

Yes, they are dependent on each other. If you reduce the diameter of a supply line, then water pressure will increase and vice-versa. That means if you reduce the diameter size from 1 to 3/4 water supply line, the water pressure will also increase.

What Size Is Ideal for You?

Can’t decide? Still stuck with the clash of 3 4 vs 1 inch water supply line? Let’s help you a bit more.

The most common size is a 3/4-inch water supply line; the water pressure is enough to handle all but the very most significant residential homes. A home with basic amenities like dishwashing, clothes washing machine and water heater uses roughly 120 psi at peak demand (but as low as 20 psi average), which requires a water supply line that’s capable of delivering at least 25 gallons per minute (GPM).

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A larger house or one with outdoor features, such as a sprinkler system or pool, would require a water supply line to deliver 35 GPM or more. In this case, you should go with a 1 inch water supply line.

Two water supply lines are necessary for most homes, but that doesn’t mean each has to be 3/4 inch in diameter. Water volume can be increased by using two 1-inch water supply lines instead, provided you’re willing to accept some reduction in water pressure.

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