Can You Adjust A 20/40 Pressure Switch To 40/60

Do you want to know how to adjust the settings on a pressure switch? Can you adjust a 20/40 pressure switch to 40/60?

Pressure switches are adjustable and are a great help to actively control any mechanical or pneumatic pressure. But make sure to disconnect the power and turn off any breaker that is providing power to the pressure switch and the pump before you adjust it.

In this article, we will discuss whether you can adjust pressure levels to various degrees. Keep reading to know more.

Can You Adjust A 20/40 Pressure Switch To 40/60?

A member of the Home Improvement Stack Exchange confirms that,

You can raise the pressure switch points by adjusting the pressure switch. It’s not uncommon to run at 60/40, and 70/50 is also possible.

But The limiting factors are:

Your pressure switch (though as Ed says, most go to 90 or so)

The fixtures in your house. Toilet valves in particular can start to leak at higher pressures, and the next big one would be connections made using compression fittings and smaller tubing like fridges, ice makers, and humidifiers.

Your well pump. It may not be powerful enough to reach the cut-off pressure, or it may take an excessively long time.

To maintain a steady mechanical pressure, you need to adjust the pressure switch. But some factory pre-set pressure switches are not adjustable. You can only adjust the standard ones that remain stable afterward.

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PSI is an indicator to accurately measure the pneumatic pressure and hydraulic pressure of a pressure switch. For example- irrigation pumps and jet pumps have a typical 20/40 setting, whereas submersible pumps have 40/60 PSI.

Now, if you want to make a jet pump work like a submersible pump, that, in most cases, is impossible. But in some cases, you can do that without any problem. Specifically, the standard pressure switches are adjustable.

What Does 20/40 Pressure Switch Mean?

20/40 Pressure Switch Mean

A hydraulic pressure switch used in a water system either has a differential switch or a vacuum switch. Here, we are talking about the differential switch that measures the hydraulic pressure by regulating between two different pre-set points. The switch produces an electric signal when it reaches the points and automatically turns on and off.

And PSI is an imperial measurement system that indicates pounds per square inch pressure for gases and liquids. Since we are discussing the water pressure today, the normal residential water pressure is between 30 and 80 PSI. Here, 30 is the cut-on pressure, or the low pressure that turns the switch on, and 80 is the cut-off pressure, or the high pressure that turns the pump off.

Now, when a pressure switch reads 20/40 PSI, it means 20 is the cut-on pressure at which the pump starts, and 40 is the cut-off pressure at which the pump turns off. Jet pumps and irrigation pumps that have less horsepower usually run in these settings. You can find the factory pre-set settings inside the pressure switch cover or under the pump box.

What Happens If You Adjust The 20/40 To 40/60 Pressure?

One member of the forum DoItYourself says,

“You cannot use a 20/40 pressure switch as-is to operate at 60 PSI. Unless you can adjust the pressure switch to cut out (stop) the pump at 60 PSI at which time the switch becomes a 40/60 (or 20/60 or something in between) switch. For most systems the switch should be or set to be with cut in pressure about 2/3 the cut out pressure.”

Ideally, the cut-in point of most water pressure switches must be set at 2/3 of the cut-out pressure. Increasing the water pressure in a pressure switch will not necessarily increase the water-pulling capability of your water pump. The recommended home water pressure should be between 40 and 60 PSI (pounds per square inch) which never should exceed 60 PSI, a breach of which will significantly damage your home’s water system.

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Moreover, you can not use a 20/40 pressure switch to operate at 40/60 PSI unless the pressure switch is adjustable, which in most cases, it is.

So, adjusting a 20/40 pressure switch at 40/60 is possible when it is not factory-set. Otherwise, you can not change the pre-set, or it may start dripping because the system can not handle it and may even split up.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I adjust the pressure switch?

If the pressure switch is not factory-set, you can adjust it at a preferred level.

Can I adjust a 30/50 pressure switch to 40/60?

The problem with a 30/50 pressure switch is that it can not handle an overdose of adjustment. Most 30/50 pressure switches can bear the pressure without an issue when adjusted to 40/60. However, if the system is a factory pre-set, then you can not change the pressure to whatever adjustment you like. It will only stress the whole system and may even split up.

Can a 20/40 pressure switch be adjusted to 30/50?

Since most pressure switches are adjustable, you can adjust a 20/40 pressure switch to 30/50 without any issue. However, if the pressure points are fixed on your system, then you should avoid adjusting them to prevent dripping.

Final Thoughts

Can you adjust a 20/40 pressure switch to 40/60? As we have learned from this discussion, it is possible to change the pressure point of a pressure switch as required when it does not have a factory pre-set. In most pressure pumps, the pressure switch is adjustable a little without doing any harm to the system. So, a 20/40 pressure switch can be adjusted to 40/60 in that case.

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