Can Bushings Be Used in Gas Piping? Beware Before Installing Fittings

You may hear a lot of times that bushing is prohibited in Gas Piping. Why so? Well, bushings is undoubtedly a fitting option. But they are not a suitable option to go for in gas piping. You can use a union or left-right coupling and nipple instead.

Let’s have some chitchat today regarding bushings plumbing and can bushings be used in gas piping or not.

Can Bushings be Used in Gas Piping?

As we already have given you the straightforward answer that bushings is not usable in gas piping, there remains no further discussion. But yes, we can show you the reasons, of course, and a little bit of concept with bushings fittings in plumbing.

Let’s explore!

What is Bushing in Plumbing?

A bushing is a straight-lined fitting with one male end and one female end.  It is used to connect pipes.

Suppose, your main pipe is a bigger one that is flowing the element through it. And you want to connect the mainline with a smaller radius pipe. Here you can connect the pipes using a bushing because it is designed to fit with the pipe with a smaller diameter.

Bushings have various varieties as well. It can have different ends, plain, threaded on one side, or threaded on both sides.

You can enjoy the supreme use of bushing in water or oil piping or anything that contains liquid flow because Bushings are designed in that way to serve the purpose.

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Why are Bushings not allowed in Gas Piping?

Bushings are primarily made of different elements. Most of them are made of – Nylon, Cast Iron, Bronze, Plastic, or Steel-Backed Babbitt. These materials are prone to hold water inside. So, the bushing you are using in your gas piping may store some water in the pipeline. And water storage in a pipeline can surely cause damage. As the water contained inside will react with the gas. Also, it may lead you to a serious explosion. This is why Bushings are not allowed in gas piping.

You can use Union to adjoin the pipes. Couplings are also great as pipe connectors. To reduce the pipe size, you can use reducers. These fittings are a perfect one than Bushings to use in gas piping.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a bushing in piping?

Bushing is a fitting method in piping. They are offered in various types. The Hex-Head Bushings is the most popular one. Inside it has female threads, and outside it has male threads. It also works as a pipe reducer for smaller pipes.

What can I use for gas pipe fittings?

You can use Unions, couplings, and nipples for Gas pipe fittings. These tools connect the pipe properly and make sure there is no leakage. As we all know, avoiding leakage is crucial in gas piping. So, you can rely on these fittings fully.


Gas piping is a serious setup. So, be careful about the installation process. You must choose the right tools and know the appropriate way of installing a gas pipe. Avoid using bushings for safety.

Do not forget to use hand gloves, eye protection, and other safety kits for your further safety. Try to do the installation at a distant safety. Always put on gloves when you touch the mainline.

Gas leaking can be a severe hazard too. So, make sure you are tightening up the pipes and connections properly. If you think you can not do it appropriately, seek some professional help. It may cause you some extra expense but more reliable gas piping.

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