How To Cut Toilet Bolts with These 4 Practical Ways

How to cut toilet bolts? You can cut the toilet bolt using a hacksaw, plier, or an angle grinder. But, how can you do that? Are you facing difficulties installing a bolt cap in your toilet, and is it because of the long tail bolt?

However, you know there are a number of accessories to cut metallic things, but many people do not know which tool is suitable for cutting what kind of bolt. Moreover, the cutting of the bolt is not the same regarding the toilet bowl and toilet tank. Keep reading to the end; you will get to know.

How To Cut Toilet Bolts

how to trim toilet bolts

Well, to know how to trim toilet bolts make sure you have an idea about cutting tools.

There are some sophisticated tools available to cut the bolts. But some are suitable to cut an open bolt and some are suitable to cut an attached bolt in the toilet. However, let’s know in detail about the methods of cutting a bolt with different tools.

Using A Rotary Tool

When you want to know how to cut toilet bolts off using a rotary tool, you may have one. So deceit first whether you want to use it or not. Then place the bolt in a place and measure an estimated height of the toilet bowl and the connection. And make sure you measure the bolt cap as well.

Then, place the bolt within a strong attachment. It can be a strong joint of two wooden pieces or metallic something. Then, make ready your Rotary to cut the bolt. Place a cut-off disc on the machine and tighten it up with a screwdriver. After that, attach the disk with the Rotary tool.

However, before turning on the tool make sure you about your eye protection. Wear goggles and other protection that you want to put on. Then start the machine and cut the bolt.

Moreover, make sure you have cut the bolt before installing it on your toilet; it will be fruitful.

Then you can use this bolt in your toilet or in the toilet seat, or in the toilet tank if you cut the bolt in a perfect measurement. 

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Using Oscillating Multi-tool

We think it will be the best solution of how to cut toilet bowl bolts, using an oscillating multi-tool. You can cut the excess length of the bolt after tightening the bolt on the toilet bowl or toilet tank because this Oscillating tool can cut a bolt within the thinnest space.

However, install the blade onto the Oscillating tool first to cut a bolt. And then, place a hard bord or a hard paper opposite to the bolt so that you can avoid harming your toilet.

However, if all are okay, then turn On the tool and let it cut gently. After a few moments, you will get the result. Next, check the placing of the cap if the bolt length is okay or not. If it is not enough to cover the bolt, cut a bit again. Then place the bolt cap, and your job is done.

Moreover, you can apply this tool and method if you are looking for how to cut off toilet seat bolts. Since the toilet seat bolt has to be a limited length because the bolt cap should cover it. So, you can use this tool to cut off the excess tail of the bolt.  

Using A Hacksaw

There is another way to cut a bolt using a regular hack saw that you already have in your home. Most people have it as a regular accessory. However, if you want to cut your toilet bowl bolt with a hacksaw, make sure you have the patient to do the job.

At first, place a hard paper aligned with the toilet’s body so that the hacksaw cannot harm the toilet body by cracking it.

However, start running the hacksaw at a low speed to make a cutting line. Then gradually speed up and continue doing the job. Do not touch the bolt, as it may become too hot while cutting it.

After a while, you will see the result. But before that, make sure your fingers and the toilet body are safe.

Using A Plier

It is also a quite satisfying method to cut a bolt with a bolt cutter, plier. You can cut the bolt before or after installing it onto the toilet or toilet tank in this method.

However, if you want to cut the bolt after installing, tighten the nut and then place the plier where you want to cut off. Then, trigger the plier strongly to cut the bolt. It will cut the bolt based on your forcing, as it needs more strength to do its job.

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On the other side, if you want to cut a bolt before installation, ensure the measurement of which length you want to cut off. Mark the cutting size with a marker, and then use your plier to cut it off.

How To Cut Rusted Toilet Bolts From Tank

However, you may now want to know how to cut toilet tank bolts because it is also tricky to cut a bolt. Before briefing about the tool, we may proceed with the way of cutting a bolt from the toilet tank.

Firstly, flash all the water completely. Then use a sponge to soak the remaining water in the toilet tank. Let it dry. Otherwise, the water can mess up your washroom floor when you lose the connection. By the way, you can cut the rusted bolt with a mini hacksaw.

To get your result of how to cut rusted toilet bolts, you need not pay much. Just give a bit more attention and use a mini hacksaw on the rusted bolts. Otherwise, you can use a reciprocating saw to cut faster than the hacksaw.

In this case, you just need to be more careful while you are cutting the bolt since there is a risk of slipping the tool from the bolt.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What tool is best for cutting bolts?

There are an enormous number of tools available to cut bolts. You can use a bolt cutter, hack saw, or another tool to get your satisfying result. But all are good satisfying but time-wasting which means, they take too time to cut a bolt. But you can use an angle grinder to get the result at a shorten time. So, we think it will be the best tool to cut the bolts smoothly and fastly.

How do you cut a bolt without a bolt cutter?

If you do not want to use a bolt cutter or plier to cut a bolt, then you have the option to use a hacksaw to cut it. You will see a smooth result after cutting out the bolt. However, it may take time to cut bolts compared to the bolt cutters.

Can I cut a bolt with a hacksaw?

Yes, of course. You can cut a bolt using a hack saw very smoothly. But the matter is it will take a bit of time to finish the cutting of a bolt. However, when you are trimming a bolt with a 
Hack saw you have to pay most attention to do that because the bolt will be hot enough. And if you divert your concentration, the hacksaw can injure your finger. So be careful.

Can a Dremel cut a bolt?

Well, Dremel is another tool to cut metallic things. It can cut bolts as well. But the plus point of it is that Dremel is most suitable for cutting rusted bolts. So, you can use a Demel to cut a long bolt to get a specific length or a rusted bolt that you want to remove.


To conclude the whole story, you may get the answer of how to cut toilet bolts using different cutters.

However, the methods we have described below are time-saving, and some are time-wasting, but they are sophisticated enough to cut a toilet bolt or toilet tank bolt. As all the bolts are not the same size, one needs to cut them off.

Finally, we must say you can cut any bolt from the toilet bowl, or toilet tank, using the described tools. So, good luck with your toilet project.

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